How to get your customers to notice your newsletter during the Black Friday sale!
Black Friday has become one of the biggest shopping days in the world, which makes it a perfect opportunity for you to connect with your customers and clients, and to offer them some discounts on your products or services! But how do you make your newsletter stand out from the crowd during such a big shopping weekend? We have listed three useful tips on how to make your customers notice your newsletter!
1. The perfect title is the one with the right kind of information
If you write the right kind of title you increase the chances of getting your customers to open your newsletter, so try to include the most important information of your message in the title! Try to be as clear as possible with why your customers should open up and read your letter. Let’s say that you’re offering 20% off a specific group of products, then try to include and communicate the most attractive product in the title - then you’ll know that you increase the chance of your customers opening your newsletter!
2. Keep an eye on your dearest competitors!
As you might already know, almost every company is active during the Black Friday sale, so try to keep up with your competitors and analyze what kind of offers they are communicating. Try to stand out, and find other kinds of offers that you can communicate to your customers!
3. Choose the right pictures for your message
Pictures help your message to pop and stand out, so you must take your time and choose the right pictures and photos for your newsletter. Good pictures will also increase the meaning of your message since the relationship between visual and textual communication helps the receiver to understand and make sense of your message. Pictures are also important for the layout, which means that nice colours and motives can make a big difference for your newsletter!
Do you find it tricky to find good pictures? Take a look at websites such as Pixabay and Istock, they can offer you a good amount of free pictures that are licensed to use for commercial purposes.
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